Container scaling via python script

If you need to monitor docker containers, there are plenty of tools available in market. Some are paid, some are free but you need to do your homework to find which suits you the best.

If you are interest in tools, let me name the few cAdvisor, influx DB,, Sematext, Universal Control Plane. This is not the definitive list, but go to start with.

For me, it was more of Do-It-Yourself project, where I just needed simple script to monitor CPU and do some scale action base on monitor CPU.

Docker provides an command stats, which provides the stats of container running

docker stats display a live stream of the following container(s) resource usage statistics:

  • CPU % usage
  • Memory usage, limit, % usage
  • Network i/o
  • Disk i/o

The stats are updated every second. Here is a sample output:

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O               BLOCK I/O
4827f0139b1f        10.94%              706.2 MB / 1.045 GB   67.61%              299.7 kB / 2.473 MB   456 MB / 327.3 MB

I was planing to exploit more this command for CPU monitoring.

Docker engine provides Docker Remote API, which is REST API and can be use communicate to the engine. Being REST API, I can call this in any of my favorite language I want.

Since, I was more in for the scripting, python become the prefer choice of language.

I began my search with python libraries which can connect to Docker. This could be very frustrating. When you search Google, various results show up which refer to different version of docker client, but none EXPLICITLY mentions it. It took couple of days for me to figure it out.

Let me point out few examples

There is tutorial at which says

pip install docker-py

>>> from docker import client
>>> cli = Client(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')

There is official docker client from docker, which says as follow

pip install docker

>>> import docker 
>>> client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock')

Now,  here you see, there are two different API to instantiate client.

Advice would be to read the documentation from Github site. They would be the latest

Coming back to problem, get container stats using Docker python client. I have written my pet shop code to get the docker container CPU using Python client. In the remainder of this article, I would be referencing my script code which you can get from

When I was developing this script, I was writing against stand alone docker engine v 1.11, but I intend to run against docker engine 1.11 with swarm 1.25 on TLS.  I had write a method in the – GetDockerClient, where I can connect to local as well as swarm instance by passing the environment parameter. It interesting to know, how to connect to remote TLS enable docker host by passing client certificates.

If you use docker-compose, there would be problem to get the container name. Compose formats container name with the prefix folder name where compose file resides and suffix of the count of containers. i.e. container name like ‘coolweb’ will translate to ‘foldername_coolweb_1′. contains the getContainerInComposeMode method, which get container in by formatting container name with compose pattern.

I know, you would be thinking, code isn’t in best form, but it more of jugglery to get it done rather than making it master piece for the world to see.

Moving forward, of getting the docker stat. It come with another surprise, docker python API doesn’t have stats() method on client object. In fact it has stats() method on the container object. So, basically it means, you can’t get stats like you get with docker stats command which gives stats for all the container running on the docker host. Bad! Even people over the internet express their frustration about docker-py  like in this blog.

Holding our focus, moving back to code to get stats about the container. In the, get_CPU_Percentage method, you will get code get container stats

# 'con' is container which you need to monitor
constat = con.stats(stream=False)

stream=false mean, you will get stats for just one time, and not a continues stream object.

It will give back json object something like this below. It large object, but I have just highlighted the CPU related stuff

    "read": "2016-02-07T13:26:56.142981314Z",
    "precpu_stats": {
        "cpu_usage": {
            "total_usage": 0,
            "percpu_usage": null,
            "usage_in_kernelmode": 0,
            "usage_in_usermode": 0
        "system_cpu_usage": 0,
        "throttling_data": {
            "periods": 0,
            "throttled_periods": 0,
            "throttled_time": 0
    "cpu_stats": {
        "cpu_usage": {
            "total_usage": 242581854769,
            "percpu_usage": [242581854769],
            "usage_in_kernelmode": 33910000000,
            "usage_in_usermode": 123040000000
        "system_cpu_usage": 3367860000000,
        "throttling_data": {
            "periods": 0,
            "throttled_periods": 0,
            "throttled_time": 0
    "memory_stats": {
        "failcnt": 0,
        "limit": 1044574208

precpu_stats are CPU stats before point of reference, say 10 sec. cpu_stats are stats at point in time. If you look more into get_CPU_Percentage method, it juggles from the JSON object, get relevant variables and computes the percentage CPU for the container.

Once I get the CPU in percentage, I have put it in array at the interval of 2 sec. It a fix width array with 5 slots. So, it hold only last 5 reading, i.e. last 10 secs reading in term of time

Then I compute the mean of of array to get mean CPU, so it rules out uneven CPU spikes. I take this mean CPU against CPU threadhold, i.e. 50%. If mean CPU is more than 50%, it will trigger scale out action. If it’s less than 50, it will trigger scale down action

The entire logic to scaling up and down with cooling time in between is in ScaleContaienr method of

These all methods are called from, which runs the code in loop.

That’s it. It brings me to the end of Do-It-Yourself project of docker scaling. I know, it’s not the ultimate script when it come to container scaling.

3 thoughts on “Container scaling via python script

  1. Pravin Kumar

    I am getting a problem. Every time i run the, i only keep getting “No containers found with pattern ‘container_name’ ” . How do i solve it? I have even set the name of the container to monitor in the main code, but still it shows the same error.


    1. sbrakl Post author

      Are you running the container via docker compose or firing the commands individual? If running with docker compose, you need to set two variables
      composeFolder = ‘name of the folder containing docker-compose.yml file’
      containerToMonitor = ‘name of docker-compose service name’



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